Fireplace Insert Solutions
Gas Inserts
Gas inserts aren’t an option if you’re building a new home since they fit inside an existing fireplace. All you need is a vented fireplace for this sealed system.
They’re a great compromise between a vented and vent free fireplace and give you the ease and convenience of using gas. Inserts provide a beautiful flame and heat the room well.
Gas inserts pull the air from outside the home, with vented combustion, making them more efficient than vented logs. With the use of a glass front, no heat is drawn from inside the home
Wood Inserts
Do you have an existing vented fireplace? Then, a wood insert could be perfect for you. Wood-burning fireplace inserts are similar to gas inserts because they’re efficient and heat better than open fireplaces. Wood burning inserts have fans that better distribute the heat into the home. Many people like the flush appearance the insert creates. As with any wood fireplace, you’ll need to store the wood, start and maintain any burning fire, and clean the ash it produces.
Have questions or see something you like?
Give us a call at (828) 252 – 2789 to discuss the details of your home renovation project today!